The Royale Palm Cigar Company, Inc is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia and serves companies and clients around the globe. The Royale Palm Cigar Co. was founded by Joseph A. Ferris III to provide its clients with the most cost effective way to promote and sell cigars at their establishment or special events while offering the ultimate cigar experience.
Royale Palm Cigar Company, provides its clients with the most cost effective way to purchase cigars worldwide at wholesale prices and without limits and minimums. We represent over 300+ brands worldwide from major manufacturers to the up and coming boutique cigar brands.
Joseph A. Ferris III
Founder & CEO
Welcome to the Royale Palm Cigar Company.
The company's main mission is to provide its clients with the most cost effective way to promote and sell cigars, while offering the ultimate cigar experience. RPCC is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia and serves companies and clients around
the world.
Royale Palm Cigar is the best place to start when upgrading your cigar program or just getting started with offering cigars for the first time. Whether you're looking for Dominican, Honduran, or Nicaraguan blends, you can count on us to be your one stop shop for variety and convenience.
Cigars have been symbols of celebration, victory, success and prestige throughout history. At Royale Palm Cigar, we help our clients to create an environment worthy of such revelry! We pride ourselves on offering the very best products and services to bring the cigar Experience to Light!
Joseph A. Ferris, III
Bring the Experience to Light...
Contact Us!
2870 Pharr Court South, NW Suite 2805
Atlanta, Georgia 30305